Thursday, September 20, 2012

Simple Self-Confidence Tips #3: Be Positive

What is one of the most important secrets of self-confident people? They are all very positive people!

If you want to make things happen, you need to believe in your skills and believe that sooner or later you'll achieve what you want to achieve. And do you know what? This is the exact definition of self-confidence!

See, true self-confidence can't exist without optimism. If you were a negative person, who would like to spend time with you? Do you know any people who enjoy spending time with people who bring negative energy? If you were a negative person, would you set goals and believe that you can achieve them? Why would you even bother with setting goals if you are sure that you won't achieve anything? If you were a negative person, would you be able to give a good first impression on that girl you approached on the street?

Now imagine that you are a positive person. When you approach women, they want to talk with you because they feel that you're a fun guy to be around. When you talk with new people, they want to get to know you better because they feel that you can be a good friend. When you set new goals, you know that you WILL achieve them so... you achieve them. That's how it works!

Your beliefs create your reality. If you want to become self-confident, you have to get rid of your old negative beliefs and create new, positive ones. Instead of thinking about what is wrong with things, think about what is right with them (such as "it's quite warm" instead of "it's warm but cloudy"). Instead of complaining, practice gratitude. Instead of being jealous, admire other people.

Last but not least, as we mentioned earlier, nobody wants to be around negative people. If you think about a self-confident person, do you picture him or her as a person who doesn't have a great social life? Exactly - and that's one of the most important reasons why today's tip is extremely important.

Homework for today: get rid of all your negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. You can read some books on how to become a more positive person, subscribe to some blogs about being positive and/or simply learn how to enjoy your life more (that will automatically make you a more positive person).

Good luck and have fun with that - life's much more fun when you enjoy it as a positive person!