Sunday, September 23, 2012

Simple Self-Confidence Tips #4: Expand Your Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is one of the most important things you need to understand in order to become a self-confident person. Your comfort zone is what you do on a daily basis: all things that you are used to. If you want to become a more confident person, you need to break out of your comfort zone to experience new things and get used to them.

You feel shy when you aren't used to something. It makes you feel nervous, uncomfortable or awkward. If you deliberately put yourself in such situations on a regular basis, you will get used to them and they will no longer make you feel insecure.

Here are a few examples...

If you are afraid of job interviews, you reduce your chances of getting a better job. Do you really want to be stuck at this job that you hate? If not, then it's high time you expand your comfort zone. Send applications to as many employers as you can and go to as many job interviews as you can. Thanks to that, you will quickly learn how to behave, how to deal with stress and how to make a good first impression which will sooner or later help you find a better job.

If you are a virgin and you are afraid of having sex, read this blog post to learn how to become a better lover (you will learn how to start and finish the right way, including tips on how to deal with premature ejaculation which is very common among virgins).

If you are afraid of approaching women, it will be very hard for you to find a girlfriend because you will have to rely on your friends (friends introducing friends of friends). Going out to approach women (which is VERY difficult at first) will teach you how to deal with approach anxiety and how to talk to girls to get their numbers and meet with them later.

As you can see, your comfort zone is the answer to most, if not all, your self-confidence related problems. Focus on improving your comfort zone and you will increase your self-confidence dramatically.

The best idea is to make it a routine. For instance, you can set a goal to approach at least 50 women within the next two months. This means that you need to approach one girl a day. If you keep up with that, you will quickly become quite good with approaching women which will dramatically improve your social confidence.